Import a new catalog

Five steps:

  1. set up the Development environment

  2. declare the SQLAlchemy Object Relational Mapper (ORM)

  3. implement the catalog Extractor

  4. Set up the CLI to import your catalog

  5. Run the importer


you will encounter some variables while reading this page

  • set ${PROJECT_ROOT} to the root directory where soweego lives

  • set ${CATALOG} to the name of the catalog you want to import, like IMDb

  • set ${ENTITY} to what the catalog is about, like Musician or Book

  • the other ones should be self-explanatory


  1. create a Python file in:

  2. paste the code snippet below

  3. set the ${...} variables accordingly

  4. optional: define catalog-specific attributes

    • see TODO in the code snippet

    • just remember that attribute names must be different from BaseEntity ones, otherwise you would override them

    • don’t forget their documentation!

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

`SQLAlchemy <>`_ ORM entities."""

__author__ = '${YOUR_NAME_HERE}'
__email__ = '${YOUR_EMAIL_HERE}'
__version__ = '1.0'
__license__ = 'GPL-3.0'
__copyright__ = 'Copyleft ${YEAR}, ${YOUR_NAME_HERE}'

from sqlalchemy import Column, String

from soweego.importer.models.base_entity import BaseEntity


class ${CATALOG}${ENTITY}Entity(BaseEntity):
    """A ${CATALOG} ${ENTITY}.
    It comes from the ${CATALOG_DUMP_FILE} dataset.
    See the `download page <${CATALOG_DOWNLOAD_URL}>`_.


    - **birth_place** (string(255)) - a birth place


    __tablename__ = ${ENTITY}_TABLE
    __mapper_args__ = {
        'polymorphic_identity': __tablename__,
        'concrete': True

    # TODO Optional: define catalog-specific attributes here
    # For instance:
    birth_place = Column(String(255))


  1. create a Python file in:

  2. paste the code snippet below

  3. set the ${...} variables accordingly

  4. implement BaseDumpExtractor methods:

    • extract_and_populate() should extract instances of your ${CATALOG}${ENTITY}Entity from relevant catalog dumps and store them in a database. The extract step is up to you. For the populate step, see Populate the SQL database

    • get_dump_download_urls() should compute the latest list of URLs to download catalog dumps. Tipically, there will be only one, but you never know

  5. still tortured by doubts? Check out DiscogsDumpExtractor, IMDbDumpExtractor, or MusicBrainzDumpExtractor. You are now doubtless

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

`SQLAlchemy <>`_ ORM entities."""

__author__ = '${YOUR_NAME_HERE}'
__email__ = '${YOUR_EMAIL_HERE}'
__version__ = '1.0'
__license__ = 'GPL-3.0'
__copyright__ = 'Copyleft ${YEAR}, ${YOUR_NAME_HERE}'

from soweego.importer.base_dump_extractor import BaseDumpExtractor

class ${CATALOG}DumpExtractor(BaseDumpExtractor):
    """Download ${CATALOG} dumps, extract data, and
    populate a database instance.

    def extract_and_populate(
            self, dump_file_paths: List[str], resolve: bool
    ) -> None:
        # TODO implement!

    def get_dump_download_urls(self) -> Optional[List[str]]:
        # TODO implement!

Populate the SQL database

from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError

from soweego.commons.db_manager import DBManager
from soweego.importer.base_dump_extractor import BaseDumpExtractor

class ${CATALOG}DumpExtractor(BaseDumpExtractor):

   def extract_and_populate(
           self, dump_file_paths: List[str], resolve: bool
   ) -> None:

       # The `extract` step should build a list of entities
       # For instance:
       entities = _extract_from(dump_file_paths)

       # 1. Get a `DBManager` instance
       db_manager = DBManager()

       # 2. Drop & recreate database tables

       # 3. Create a session, AKA a database transaction
       session = db_manager.new_session()

           # 4. Add a list of entities to the session

           # 5. Commit the session

       except SQLAlchemyError as error:
           # 6. Handle transaction errors
           # For instance: (are you serious? Don't do this)
           print(f'There was an error: {error}')



Set up the CLI to import your catalog

  1. add your catalog keys in

# Supported catalogs
MUSICBRAINZ = 'musicbrainz'

# Supported entities
# People
ACTOR = 'actor'
  1. include your extractor in the DUMP_EXTRACTOR dictionary of

    keys.MUSICBRAINZ: MusicBrainzDumpExtractor,
    keys.${CATALOG}: ${CATALOG}DumpExtractor
  1. add the Wikidata class QID corresponding to your entity in

# Class QID of supported entities
# People
ACTOR_QID = 'Q33999'
${ENTITY}_QID = '${QID}'
  1. include your catalog mapping in the TARGET_CATALOGS dictionary of

        keys.MUSICIAN: {
            keys.CLASS_QID: vocabulary.MUSICIAN_QID,
            keys.MAIN_ENTITY: MusicBrainzArtistEntity,
            keys.LINK_ENTITY: MusicBrainzArtistLinkEntity,
            keys.NLP_ENTITY: None,
            keys.RELATIONSHIP_ENTITY: MusicBrainzReleaseGroupArtistRelationship,
            keys.WORK_TYPE: keys.MUSICAL_WORK,
keys.${CATALOG}: {
        keys.${ENTITY}: {
            keys.CLASS_QID: vocabulary.${ENTITY}_QID,
            keys.MAIN_ENTITY: ${CATALOG}${ENTITY}Entity,
            keys.LINK_ENTITY: None,
            keys.NLP_ENTITY: None,
            keys.RELATIONSHIP_ENTITY: None,
            keys.WORK_TYPE: None,

Run the importer

:/app/soweego# python -m soweego importer import ${CATALOG}