Development and production environments


as a soweego user or contributor, you will typically use the Development environment. The Production environment is tailored for Cloud VPS project members.

First of all

Install Docker, then clone soweego:

$ git clone
$ cd soweego

Development environment

Use it to run or play around soweego on your local machine. And to contribute new features, of course!

This environment ships with a MariaDB database instance and a BASH shell. It is ready to run The command line. Feel free to hack soweego while the environment is running: your code is synced.

Get set

Just install Docker Compose.


$ ./docker/
Building soweego


You are now in a BASH shell with a fully working soweego instance. Check if everything went fine with a shot of

python -m soweego options


Expected value

Default value



a directory path


Directory shared between the soweego Docker container and your local filesystem

Access the local database instance

As easy as:

$ docker exec -it soweego_db_1 /bin/bash
root@0f51e7c512df:/# mysql -uroot -hlocalhost -pdba soweego
MariaDB [soweego]>

Production environment

soweego lives in a Wikimedia Cloud VPS project, and this is the environment deployed there. Please contact the project administrators if you want to help with the VPS machine.

You can also use it to run soweego on a machine that already has a working database (typically a server).

This environment ships with a BASH shell ready to run The command line. Feel free to hack soweego while the environment is running: your code is synced.

Get set

Just create a credentials JSON file like this:

    "DB_ENGINE": "mysql+pymysql",
    "HOST": "${DB_IP_ADDRESS}",
    "USER": "${DB_USER}",
    "TEST_DB": "soweego",
    "PROD_DB": "${DB_NAME}"

Don’t forget to set the ${...} variables!


$ ./docker/ -c ${YOUR_CREDENTIALS_FILE}
Sending build context to Docker daemon


You are now in a BASH shell with a fully working soweego instance. Check if everything went fine with a shot of

python -m soweego options


Expected value

Default value



a directory path


Directory shared between the soweego Docker container and your local filesystem


a file path


Credentials file