Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Run supervised linkers."""

__author__ = 'Marco Fossati'
__email__ = ''
__version__ = '1.0'
__license__ = 'GPL-3.0'
__copyright__ = 'Copyleft 2018, Hjfocs'

import logging
import os
import sys
from re import search
from typing import Iterator, Tuple

import click
import joblib
import pandas as pd
import recordlinkage as rl
from keras import backend as K
from numpy import full, nan

from soweego.commons import constants, keys, target_database
from soweego.ingester import wikidata_bot
from soweego.linker import blocking, classifiers, workflow

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

@click.argument('classifier', type=click.Choice(constants.CLASSIFIERS))
    'catalog', type=click.Choice(target_database.supported_targets())
    'entity', type=click.Choice(target_database.supported_entities())
    help=f"Probability score threshold, default: {constants.CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD}.",
    help='Activate post-classification rule on full names: links with different full names will be filtered.',
@click.option('-u', '--upload', is_flag=True, help='Upload links to Wikidata.')
    help='Perform all edits on the Wikidata sandbox item Q4115189.',
    help=f'Input/output directory, default: {constants.SHARED_FOLDER}.',
def cli(
    classifier, catalog, entity, threshold, name_rule, upload, sandbox, dir_io
    """Run a supervised linker.

    Build the classification set relevant to the given catalog and entity,
    then generate links between Wikidata items and catalog identifiers.

    Output a gzipped CSV file, format: QID,catalog_ID,confidence_score

    You can pass the '-u' flag to upload the output to Wikidata.

    A trained model must exist for the given classifier, catalog, entity.
    To do so, use:

    $ python -m soweego linker train
    actual_classifier = constants.CLASSIFIERS[classifier]

    model_path, result_path = _handle_io(
        actual_classifier, catalog, entity, dir_io
    # Exit if the model file doesn't exist
    if model_path is None:


    for i, chunk in enumerate(
        execute(model_path, catalog, entity, threshold, name_rule, dir_io)
        chunk.to_csv(result_path, mode='a', header=False)

        if upload:
            _upload(chunk, i, catalog, entity, sandbox)

    # Free memory in case of neural networks:
    # can be done only after classification
    if actual_classifier in (
        K.clear_session()  # Clear the TensorFlow graph'Linking completed')

[docs]def execute( model_path: str, catalog: str, entity: str, threshold: float, name_rule: bool, dir_io: str, ) -> Iterator[pd.Series]: """Run a supervised linker. 1. Build the classification set relevant to the given catalog and entity 2. generate links between Wikidata items and catalog identifiers :param model_path: path to a trained model file :param catalog: ``{'discogs', 'imdb', 'musicbrainz'}``. A supported catalog :param entity: ``{'actor', 'band', 'director', 'musician', 'producer', 'writer', 'audiovisual_work', 'musical_work'}``. A supported entity :param threshold: minimum confidence score for generated links. Those below this value are discarded. Must be a float between 0 and 1 :param name_rule: whether to enable the rule on full names or not: if *True*, links with different full names are discarded after classification :param dir_io: input/output directory where working files will be read/written :return: the generator yielding chunks of links """ classifier = joblib.load(model_path) for ( wd_chunk, target_chunk, feature_vectors, ) in _classification_set_generator(catalog, entity, dir_io): # The classification set must have the same feature space # as the training one _add_missing_feature_columns(classifier, feature_vectors) predictions = ( # LSVM doesn't support probability scores classifier.predict(feature_vectors) if isinstance(classifier, rl.SVMClassifier) else classifier.prob(feature_vectors) ) predictions = _apply_linking_rules( name_rule, predictions, target_chunk, wd_chunk ) yield _get_unique_predictions_above_threshold(predictions, threshold)
def _classification_set_generator( catalog, entity, dir_io ) -> Iterator[Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]]: goal = 'classification' # Wikidata side wd_reader = workflow.build_wikidata(goal, catalog, entity, dir_io) wd_generator = workflow.preprocess_wikidata(goal, wd_reader) for i, wd_chunk in enumerate(wd_generator, 1): # Collect samples via queries to the target DB samples = blocking.find_samples( goal, catalog, wd_chunk[keys.NAME_TOKENS], i, target_database.get_main_entity(catalog, entity), dir_io, ) # Build target chunk from samples target_reader = workflow.build_target( goal, catalog, entity, set(samples.get_level_values(keys.TID)) ) # Preprocess target chunk target_chunk = workflow.preprocess_target(goal, target_reader) # Extract features features_path = os.path.join( dir_io, constants.FEATURES.format(catalog, entity, goal, i) ) feature_vectors = workflow.extract_features( samples, wd_chunk, target_chunk, features_path ) yield wd_chunk, target_chunk, feature_vectors'Chunk %d classified', i) def _apply_linking_rules(name_rule, predictions, target_chunk, wd_chunk): # Full name rule: if names differ, it's not a link if name_rule:'Applying full names rule ...') predictions = pd.DataFrame(predictions).apply( _zero_when_different_names, axis=1, args=(wd_chunk, target_chunk) ) # Wikidata URL rule: if the target ID has a Wikidata URL, it's a link if target_chunk.get(keys.URL) is not None: predictions = pd.DataFrame(predictions).apply( _one_when_wikidata_link_correct, axis=1, args=(target_chunk,) ) return predictions def _get_unique_predictions_above_threshold( predictions, threshold ) -> pd.DataFrame: # Filter by threshold above_threshold = predictions[predictions >= threshold] # Remove duplicates return above_threshold[~above_threshold.index.duplicated()] def _handle_io(classifier, catalog, entity, dir_io): # Build the output paths upon catalog, entity, and classifier args model_path = os.path.join( dir_io, constants.LINKER_MODEL.format(catalog, entity, classifier) ) result_path = os.path.join( dir_io, constants.LINKER_RESULT.format(catalog, entity, classifier) ) if not os.path.isfile(model_path): LOGGER.critical( "Trained model not found at '%s'. " "Please run 'python -m soweego linker train %s %s %s'", model_path, classifier, catalog, entity, ) return None, None # Delete existing result file, # otherwise the current output would be appended to it if os.path.isfile(result_path): LOGGER.warning( "Will delete old output file found at '%s' ...", result_path ) os.remove(result_path) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(result_path), exist_ok=True) return model_path, result_path def _upload(chunk, chunk_number, catalog, entity, sandbox): links = dict(chunk.to_dict().keys()) 'Starting upload of links to Wikidata, chunk %d ...', chunk_number ) wikidata_bot.add_identifiers(links, catalog, entity, sandbox)'Upload to Wikidata completed, chunk %d', chunk_number) def _add_missing_feature_columns(classifier, feature_vectors: pd.DataFrame): # Handle amount of features depending on the classifier expected_features: int if isinstance(classifier, rl.NaiveBayesClassifier): # This seems to be the only easy way for Naïve Bayes expected_features = len(classifier.kernel._binarizers) elif isinstance(classifier, rl.LogisticRegressionClassifier): expected_features = classifier.kernel.coef_.shape[1] elif isinstance(classifier, classifiers.SVCClassifier): expected_features = classifier.kernel.shape_fit_[1] elif isinstance(classifier, rl.SVMClassifier): expected_features = classifier.kernel.coef_.shape[1] elif isinstance(classifier, classifiers.RandomForest): expected_features = classifier.kernel.n_features_ elif isinstance( classifier, ( classifiers.SingleLayerPerceptron, classifiers.MultiLayerPerceptron, classifiers.VotingClassifier, classifiers.GatedEnsembleClassifier, classifiers.StackedEnsembleClassifier, ), ): expected_features = classifier.num_features else: err_msg = ( f'Unsupported classifier: {classifier.__class__.__name__}. ' f'It should be one of {set(constants.CLASSIFIERS)}' ) LOGGER.critical(err_msg) raise ValueError(err_msg) actual_features = feature_vectors.shape[1] if expected_features != actual_features: 'Feature vectors have %d features, but %s expected %d. ' 'Will add missing ones', actual_features, classifier.__class__.__name__, expected_features, ) for i in range(expected_features - actual_features): feature_vectors[f'missing_{i}'] = full( len(feature_vectors), constants.FEATURE_MISSING_VALUE ) # See # for `pandas` implementation details def _zero_when_different_names(prediction, wikidata, target): wd_names, target_names = set(), set() qid, tid = for column in constants.NAME_FIELDS: if wikidata.get(column) is not None: values = wikidata.loc[qid][column] if values is not nan: wd_names.update(set(values)) if target.get(column) is not None: values = target.loc[tid][column] if values is not nan: target_names.update(set(values)) return 0.0 if wd_names.isdisjoint(target_names) else prediction[0] def _one_when_wikidata_link_correct(prediction, target): qid, tid = urls = target.loc[tid][keys.URL] if urls: for url in urls: if url and 'wikidata' in url: has_qid = search(constants.QID_REGEX, url) if has_qid: new_score = 1.0 if qid == else 0.0 LOGGER.debug( 'Wikidata URL detected in %s target ID: %s ' 'Will update the confidence score from %f to %f', (qid, tid), url, prediction[0], new_score, ) return new_score return prediction[0]